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That time of year again

Here we are at that time of year when we're expected to observe new resolutions. If you can't be bothered thinking one up and then trying to keep it for a few days before falling back to your old ways, just don't. But if you're one of those people who...

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Translation made comic

Mox's blog I thought I'd give us a little moment of respite from translation work (not that I've been doing a lot of that) and/or Christmas-induced tensions, so above is a link to an online comic from a freelance translator. Everyone's there: there's...

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Hark !

I do love a good Christmas carol, don't you? The joyful release of FIVE GOLDEN RINGS, the weird words like "hark" and "ding dong merrilly on high", the general surreal imagery of them... and the singing! Because listening to them is aweful, you need to...

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France : do's and don'ts

Starts in French, then switches to English Je viens de lire un article sur Rue 89 ( ici ) sur les conseils que certains guides touristiques donnent à leurs compatriotes (britanniques ou américains) qui s'aventureraient en France. Bien sûr, c'était plein...

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Bonne fête les Lucie !

Bonne fête les Lucie !

Lucie gouged out her own eyes and sent them in a box to her husband-to-be because he liked her eyes and she would rather remain a virgin than marry him. But don't let this dampen your mood, if you're a Lucie (or Lucy), today is your day ! Lucie

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Beatboxing with GoogleTranslate

So I found this to be pretty funnny and I thought I'd share it with you. As the title suggests, I'm going to show you yet another joyful use of the world's number one giberrish-making tool. You need to go to Google Translate, set it on German to German...

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Sky-high fees and dead-poor students

Sky-high fees and dead-poor students

Je ne pouvais décemment ne pas parler aujourd'hui des manifestations étudiantes qui secouent le Royaume-Uni. Cela fait déjà plus d'un mois qu'étudiants et lycéens (voire collégiens) se mobilisent contre la hausse des droits universitaires (les fameuses...

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Les champs de fraises pour toujours

As much as I'm positive that John Lennon would have absolutely hated the whole kerfuffle the 30th anniversary of his death has kicked up, I feel obliged to broach the subject (even France Inter is talking of nothing else this morning, how could I not)....

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Welcome !

If you were not born in France and do not have the privilege of being a human Eurostar you may have felt this blog was a little scarily over-french, and, on the whole, very unwelcoming to your English-only synapses. Well, fear nothing my friend, for I...

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